
Riverina Podiatry Group & Sports Podiatry Centre is dedicated to providing a wide range of care for your feet through quality podiatry services. From improving the function of your feet to enhancing their appearance, we have been helping individuals in Albury and surrounds for over 30 years.

The human foot is a complex structure so you need to visit a podiatry clinic that can help with all types of foot issues. With clinics in Albury and Lavington our highly experienced podiatrists offer personalised podiatry services and treatment for you and your family including general foot care and sports injuries.

If you are experiencing foot pain, functional problems, or are concerned about the appearance of your feet, call us today to arrange an initial assessment.


General foot care treatment

Our podiatrists can assist in the routine care and regular maintenance of feet including skin and nails, provide pain free short term management and long-term prevention for conditions including:

  • corns, callous and warts
  • toenail conditions including ingrowing toenails and fungal nails
  • bunions plantar fasciitis (heel spur)
  • aching legs and feet
  • flat feet
  • growing pains
  • in-toeing and out-toeing
  • athletes foot/tinea cracked/dry heels
  • burning/tingling in feet foot and leg pain ulcers/wounds

General foot pain treatment

Our podiatrists are experts, providing clinically proven solutions to help your foot and leg pain, heal and treat your injuries, and assist with degenerative conditions. You would benefit seeing a podiatrist if you suffer from:

  • heel pain
  • forefoot pain
  • ankle pain
  • achilles pain
  • arch pain
  • muscular pain
  • knee pain hip and lower back pain
  • joint pain ankle sprains

Shockwave therapy

Radial shockwaves are high-energy soundwaves transmitted from a probe held against the skin
which spreads outwards into the underlying tissues. This is believed to induce increased blood flow and metabolic activity around the site of pain accelerating the healing process and assist in pain relief. This technique can assist in the reduction of acute:

  • heel pain
  • plantar fasciitis
  • ankle pain
  • achilles tendinopathy

Bunion treatment

A bunion is a bony bulge or bump on the outside of the base of the big toe joint. When a bunion is present, the big toe will usually angle in toward the second toe and there is often bursitis at the base of the big toe. 

Bunions are often thought to be due to poor-fitting footwear, however bunions have been found on people who have never worn footwear. 

Podiatrists understand and can explain what causes bunions, what make them painful and why they increase in size.

Bunions do not generally get better if left untreated. The condition usually only gets worse; bunions get bigger and big toe joint arthritis can develop. 

Sports injury management

Are you sick of getting injured or consistently sore after physical activity?

Our podiatrists can help you find out why you are getting injured.

Common sporting injuries our podiatrists see are:

  • shin splints/shin pain
  • stress fractures
  • ankle sprains
  • achilles pain
  • runner’s knee pain blisters

Running gait analysis

The podiatrists at Riverina Podiatry Group use the latest digital gait analysis technology so that they can give the most up-to-date expert advice on how to:

  • run with proper technique
  • run faster
  • run further
  • prevent injuries
  • increase endurance
  • they can also treat running injuries and advise on running specific strengthening programs


An orthosis is a custom or ready made foot device designed to off load abnormal forces that can lead to damage of soft tissue structures, joints and bones. Orthoses work by altering abnormal loads around the joint axis, therefore reducing the stress on the tissue. Orthoses are built to meet your individual biomechanical and lifestyle needs. At Riverina Podiatry we can provide you with:

  • ready-made, over-the-counter orthoses
  • custom/prescription orthoses
  • chronic pain treatment and management
  • pain prevention
  • comfort improvement
  • performance improvement
  • foot deformity development reduction

Footwear selection

We provide a full range of podiatry services including advice and consultation to best choose the right footwear for your feet. Our podiatrists can help you decide:

  • what footwear is best for you
  • what to avoid
  • normal wear patterns
  • when to replace your footwear

Diabetes foot care

Diabetes can reduce the way nerves work and decrease blood flow to feet.

These abnormalities may result in decreased sensation and slower healing times and can lead to higher chances of infection and amputation.

Podiatrists are trained to assess, diagnose, provide patient education on foot care and treat all conditions which may occur in diabetic feet.  With our assistance and guidance infections, ulcerations, amputations and other painful conditions may be avoided.

Children's foot care

As a complicated part of the body that contains bones, nerves, ligaments, muscles and blood vessels, feet need to be looked after from birth. Excessive pressures may cause problems for the growing foot, and children’s feet have a unique growing pattern that requires dedicated care.

To ensure ultimate foot health for your child, we provide children’s podiatry services and can help with growing pains that often occur in the lower limbs. 

Surgical podiatry

Our podiatrists can also discuss:

  • nail pain and deformity
  • bunion surgery options
  • hammer toe corrections
  • mallet toes
  • arthritis
  • paediatric/child foot complaints